At present commercial testing is available for game software only.
This service is rendered in order to improve the quality and reliability of marketed games and multimedia applications. Testing is conducted by our testing department, by specialists having broad experience in software testing and analysis.
Available are the following methods of testing:
A game is analyzed in terms of the operational capability of a downloaded file: developer's errors and bugs are being sought for. Task-oriented search of bugs is conducted and software operational stability is tested under simultaneous running with different applications ICQ, WinAmp, OUTLOOK,
The need in such testing is high at the final stage of game software development, when it is necessary to test whether the game can be run at computers with different configurations, the more the better.
Term of order fulfillment - 10 days.
The ability to launch at computers with most widespread configurations is analyzed.
The need in such testing is high when a game engine is being developed and it is necessary to test the operational capability of the first game version at different operational systems.
Term of order fulfillment - 10 days.
This kind of testing is normally conducted after beta-testing. The game product is tested from the point of view of its informational setting - links, documentation, language, presence of necessary information and license agreements, and correct installation procedure. At customer's request, the game can be analyzed for possible copyright infringement, which will later facilitate the procedure of its effective distribution to software archives.
The need in such testing is high when the first version of a product is being developed or a thoroughly renewed press release is to be issued after the main testing has been conducted and the correctness of informational setting is to be checked.
Term of order fulfillment - 3 days.
New-version- testing.
A new version can be tested if desired. In this case the documentation is tested for accuracy.
Term of order fulfillment - 3 days.
Game-Play - testing.
Game-play-testing is a totally different kind of testing. It is rather expert judgement than testing. The purpose of game-play testing is to estimate the product in terms of its commercial success and to work out recommendations for making the project marketable.
This kind of testing is recommended for analyzing a game in terms of its general layout or its commercial potential. As a value-added part of this service you can be provided with a list of recommendations and the results of comparison to similar products.
Term of order fulfillment- 30 days.
The testing department has its own PC fleet and a great number of remote participants. The number of remote beta-testers with differently configured computers amount to over 100.
Order format
To order this service, you shall make a reference to a software product, testing format and, if possible, the terms of order fulfillment.
Report format
The form of report depends on the kind of testing the customer needs. The term of order fulfillment varies from a few days to a week, depending on the request.

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